The Strange-Little Woman: sits in a hut and tells her friend that she wants to kill her own mother (spoiler – she won’t kill her).
The Pragmatic-Adult Woman: has her first cup of coffee at the office and tells her colleague about plans for weeknight date (spoiler — the date went bad).
The Anxious-Little Woman: worries that everyone thinks her mother is a whore (spoiler — we’ll never know if its true).
The Too-Modest-Adult-Woman: left her job to make everyone realize how much she had done and make them sorry for not appreciating her (spoiler — they won’t ever realize it).
The Woman-Who-Has-Achieved-A-Lot: returns to a place where it all began. She understands why everything has happened this way, she will forgive everyone, she will love everyone (spoiler — everyone but herself).
It will rain. One will hear its soothing sound. The air will be clearer and the landscape will be fresher. The random salt pillar on the Dead Sea shore will speak up loud, and we’ll finally find out what women’s happiness is about.

DirectorDmytro Zakhozhenko
Playwright— Caryl Churchill
ScenographyOleksiy Khoroshko
Composers Volodymyr Pomirko, Oksana Tsymbalist
Light Designers — Viktoria Romanchuk, Artur Temchenko
Costumes Designer Maria Antoniak


The translation of the play «Top Girls» was created in the partnership with the British Council in Ukraine.

Premiere — May 8, 2021

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